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Job name
Job Title : Grounds Supervisor
NORMALIZED JOB TITLE* : Building & Grounds Supervisor
Job Display Categories : Construction / Skilled Trades,Management
Category :
Matched Category : construction_skilled_trades,management
Job ID : 135354632
Job Code :
Job Source : direct_employer
Job Summary : Overview Under direction, supervises Grounds operations for assigned areas, including supervision and coordination of site labor, contractors, equipment, and supplie...
Work Status : full_time
Work Shift :
Work Type :
Work From Home : 0
Parse ID :
Posting Date : 2023-09-25T16:00:00Z
Modified Date : 2023-09-25T16:00:00Z
Posting Company :
Posting Company ID : 0
Remote Details URL :
Search Networks : US,US_alaska,US_amarillo,US_athens,US_augusta,US_blackent,US_conway,US_empleosamigo,US_empleosamigosp,US_glass,US_hireahero,US_jacksonville,US_lubbock,US_penton,US_retired,US_savannah,US_staugustine,US_tvb
Assigned Category :
*a normalized job title is a standardized version of a job title that has been modified to conform to a specific format or set of conventions, Grouping similar titles together,The goal of normalizing job titles is to make it easier to search, sort and compare job titles across different sources
- Bachelors degree or equivalent experience in ornamental Horticulture
- 5-7 years supervisor experience in landscape maintenance
- 2-5 years experience in landscape construction or related work
Job Summary
Under direction, supervises Grounds operations for assigned areas, including supervision and coordination of site labor, contractors, equipment, and supplies. Ensures appropriate documentation of operating policies and procedures required to maintain Getty landscape and site(s) at the expected level.
- Manages subordinate employees including mentoring, coaching, counseling, training, evaluating and coordinating the employee's work
- Oversees horticultural care for assigned areas including pest control, fertilization and soil husbandry, plant, care, tree care, problem identification, solving and communication
- Ensures site care including; maintenance of organic and nonorganic surfaces, drainage maintenance, irrigation system operation, site. Identifies and reports potential problems and collaborates on proposed solutions
- Manages projects, prepares and collects proposals, tracks project costs, ensures project quality control guidelines are followed, as well as safety and regulatory compliance
- Prepares and maintains compliance documents and efforts
- Ensures aesthetics and standards for area of assigned responsibility
- Manages equipment and maintains accurate records, including tracking deployment and use of heavy equipment, vehicles, small engines, hand tools, chemicals, and other assets
- Works directly with internal clients to plan and implement projects and activities
How to Apply for a work position
You have these options to apply
- URL :
- email :
- Fax :
- Phone :
Please Apply for a work position before the role expired at 2023-10-26T03:59:59Z
- Karir di BUSINESS PARTNER (PENGABUAN) - PT AMARTHA MIKRO FINTEK di PT Amartha Mikro Fintek, Karya Maju, Pengabuan, Kab. Tanjung Jabung Barat, Jambi, Indonesia
- Lowongan SUPERVISOR SALES AREA JAWA BARAT di PT Mega Global Food Industry, Driyorejo, Driyorejo, Kab. Gresik, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
- Karir di Asisten Gudang di Xinyi Solar Indonesia, Manyar Sidorukun, Manyar, Kab. Gresik, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Apply Information :
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Response Method : url
Corporation Profile Description
Company Profile Description of Getty
Company Name : Getty
Company Industry :
Company ID : 1817772
Company Type :
Company Profile URL :
Company Country : United States
Company City : Los Angeles / Los Angeles
State : California
Zip : 90049
Company Confidential :
Company Size :
Client ID : rdjobs
Latitude : 34.05035
Longitude : -118.46787
Location : Los Angeles, California 90049
Formatted City State :Los Angeles, CA
Formatted City State Country : Los Angeles, CA US
Normalized Country: US
Normalized State: CA
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