Karir di Sales Manager di Tyco Electronics Indonesia, Menteng Dalam, Tebet, KOTA ADM. JAKARTA SELATAN, DKI JAKARTA, Indonesia

Syarat Melamar di Posisi Sales Manager di Tyco Electronics Indonesia

Tyco Electronics Indonesia mencari 1 staff ditempatkan di posisi Staff Sales Manager di Tyco Electronics Indonesia yang berlokasi di kota Menteng Dalam, Tebet, KOTA ADM. JAKARTA SELATAN, DKI JAKARTA, Indonesia

Adapun yang dibutuhkan adalah seorang dengan:

  • Jenis Kelamin Laki - Laki / Perempuan
  • Pendidikan  Diploma
  • Status pernikahan menikah & belum menikah.
  • Usia Calon Pegawai adalah antara s.d. tahun.
  • Fisik Pelamar :
  • Skill yang dibutuhkan : Sales & Marketing

Kualifikasi Pelamar


Kisaran Gaji

Kisaran Gaji adalah s.d. *

Bandingkan Gaji yang ditawarkan ini dengan Kebutuhan Anda juga dengan UMR Kota tempat Perusahaan ini berada yaitu Menteng Dalam, Tebet, KOTA ADM. JAKARTA SELATAN, DKI JAKARTA, Indonesia, Jika Anda cocok maka silahkan lanjutkan, Jika tidak cocok silahkan cari lowongan lainnya sesuai kemampuan dan minat serta gaji yang Anda inginkan.

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Tingkat Kesulitan dalam wawancara : normal

The Sales Manager Indonesia is a key player in leading the Business Unit and growing the Indonesia business. The Sales Manager plays a pivotal role in setting the strategic direction and execution plan for the business in order to deliver and exceed the operating plan in terms of key financial and operational metrics. With a commercial focus, the Sales Manager will put in place the necessary rigor in terms of plans and processes to enable the business to prevail in a challenging market. With sound market knowledge and an ability to set clear directions and develop the business, the Sales Manager will get the company to gain outperform the competition and be the partner of choice for its customers.


Commercial Management

• Lay out clear strategy for Indonesia with the management, have execution plan in place, drive the strategy execution and be clear about what partnership/talent the business will require for being successful for the countries.

• Develop a new channel network to access the local utility and industrial infrastructure customers.

• Analyze, propose and develop acquisition, joint venture or partnerships to win in the local market.

• Understanding the market thoroughly, drive and grow market share and revenues.

• Enable growth into mature and new sectors by continuing to build upon the revenue and profit performance of the business. Based on this knowledge develop a product localization plan aligned with the global product roadmap.

• Be responsible for the strategic marketing and go-to-market plan for the country to ensure adequate focus on key segments that can aggressively grow the business in the next two to three years through organic growth.

• Implement strategies for customer acquisition and advocacy in target segments, based on deep market intelligence.

• Building upon existing successful portfolios by applying a more rigorous account management and market development approach to the sectors.

• Leading and driving a high-performance sales team that is accountable, achieves plan, budget and forecast targets.

• Maximize sales volume and driving selling price in the positive trend margin. Ensure product acceptance, sales and specs-ins; work with existing channel members to gain sustainable growth, coverage and operational excellence.

Stakeholder Management

• Managing high-level relationships with clients, partners, internal stakeholders.

• Ensuring that TE Connectivity’s mindshare is maximized and the Channel Partners understand their responsibilities in driving their products and services into key market segments.

• Maintaining relationships with key stakeholders in global functions.

• Domestic and international travelling required.


• Have the organizational savviness to obtain support from all global support functions for the local Indonesia needs and sure the local support is granted.

• Providing leadership in the Business Unit and proactively engage cross functions (such as Customer Service, Supply Chain, Product Management) towards achieving the business goals in the country.

• Drive talent resourcing, evaluation, deployment and development to ensure best-in-class performance, optimum team building and sustainable succession planning.


• Revenue and margin

• Commercial process implementation

• Channel management

• Employee Engagement


• Significant and successful experience in a strong commercial leadership and successful sales management role.

• Experience in a global organization and multinational/matrix structured environment is preferable.

• Knowledge and understanding of tender process

• A proven ability to formulate effective go-to-market strategy, with a keen sense of current and emerging customer needs (client centric approach).

• Ability to anticipate future needs of the business to position for further growth.

• Strong communication, presentation and negotiation skills.

• Degree in Business/Commerce or a related field; post graduate qualifications would be viewed favorably.

• Proficiency in English and Bahasa Indonesia (oral, written and translate) is a must.

Behavioral Attributes:

• Strong Leadership capabilities, ability to effectively work under pressure and to meet targets in challenging market conditions.

• Strong interpersonal and influencing skills, with the ability to build credible relationships with multiple functions inside and outside of organization.

• Hands-on business approach; a problem solver who can roll up their sleeves and get the things done.

• Demanding leader who balances the bigger picture with the need to dive into the detail where necessary.

• Good thought-leader, who can educate and inspire and who is trustworthy and willing to share information and mentor upcoming talent.

• Multicultural skills

Profil Perusahaan

Kode Wajib Lapor Ketenagakerjaan Perusahaan : 12870.46491.20231115.1-001
ID Wajib Lapor Ketenagakerjaan Perusahaan : 1b11dc90-fc05-41ad-a485-88242d479148
ID Klasifikasi Baku Lapangan Usaha Indonesia (KBLI) Business ID : e0c3822d-8749-4642-9705-7336dfe1aa43

Tentang Perusahaan

Industry : Trading
e-mail : bs.tee@te.com
Telepon : +622139505230
Alamat : Pakuwon Tower Kota Kasablanka Unit BJalan Casablanca Raya Kav. 88
Latitude :
Longitude :
Website : http://www.te.com

Perhatikan Cara Dan Persyaratannya

Perhatikan! Sebelum Melamar Pastikan Anda sudah memenuhi Syarat dan ketentuan yang dicari oleh perusahaan agar tidak membuang waktu, tenaga dan uang Anda. Jika Anda sudah yakin memenuhi syarat serta Anda juga cocok dengan Gaji serta Pekerjaan yang ditawarkan serta Lokasi Kerja, maka silahkan Kirimkan Lowongan Kerja Anda.

Waktu Melamar

Lowongan bisa dikirimkan mulai  2023-12-07 17:21:04 dan harus dikirimkan sebelum  2023-12-31 16:00:00.

Dari Lowongan yang dibutuhkan yaitu 1 Lowongan, sudah diterima sebanyak 0 Kandidat.

Anda bisa mengirimkan Lowongan melalui Jalur di bawah ini :

  • Email ke : bs.tee@te.com
  • Alamat Perusahaan : Tyco Electronics Indonesia, Pakuwon Tower Kota Kasablanka Unit BJalan Casablanca Raya Kav. 88, +622139505230, http://www.te.com
  • Lewat Link di bawah ini

Masih ada Pertanyaan tentang Lowongan Kerja, Perusahaan ini dan lain - lain? Anda bisa kontak ke : joey.choo@te.com

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