Salary between Not mentioned ~ (in USD)
Role Name
Job Title : Labor Relations Specialist
NORMALIZED JOB TITLE* : Labor Relations Specialist
Job Display Categories : Human Resources,Administrative / Clerical,Customer Service
Category : human_resources,administrative_clerical,customer_service
Matched Category :
Job ID : 134985579
Job Code :
Job Source : direct_employer
Job Summary : Labor Relations Specialist, Capital Region of New York StateCSEA, one of New York State's largest public employee unions, is seeking resumes for a LaborRelat...
Work Status :
Work Shift :
Work Type :
Work From Home : 0
Parse ID :
Posting Date : 2023-07-12T19:00:00Z
Modified Date : 2023-07-12T19:00:00Z
Posting Company :
Posting Company ID : 0
Remote Details URL :
Search Networks : US
Assigned Category : human_resources,administrative_clerical,customer_service
*a normalized job title is A version of a job title that has been modified to conform to a specific format or set of conventions, Standardizing capitalization and spelling,The goal of normalizing job titles is to make it easier to search, sort and compare job titles across different sources
Job Specification
Labor Relations Specialist, Capital Region of New York State
CSEA, one of New York State's largest public employee unions, is seeking resumes for a Labor
Relations Specialist to serve an assigned territory in the Capital Region area of New York State.
The position requires extensive knowledge of labor relations, ability to
negotiate/administer collective bargaining agreements, resolve employer/employee conflicts,
represent members in employment matters, prepare cases for arbitration. Responsibilities
include working with union activists to engage members at their worksites and in their
communities. A successful candidate should be self-directed, maintain schedule and workload,
and be able to operate within a team.
Operate independently & schedule workload.
Starting salary $65,860 with salary progression and excellent benefits including health, vision,
and dental coverage; generous paid time off and defined pension.
Qualifications: High School/Equivalency with 3 years full time related experience OR BA in labor
relations or a related field or acceptable combination of work experience and education. Drivers
license/car for business use.
Email or send resume to Director of Human Resources, PO Box 7125,
Capitol Station, Albany, NY 12224. Please note LRSCR/SG on all correspondence. Equal
Opportunity Employer
How to Apply for employment
You have these options to apply
- URL :
- email :
- Fax :
- Phone :
Please Apply for employment before the position expired at 2023-08-12T03:59:59Z
Apply Information :
Apply Name :
Apply City :
Apply State :
Apply Zip :
Apply Country :
Response Method : url
Enterprise Overview
Company Profile Description of CSEA
- Lowongan SUPERVISOR SALES AREA JAWA BARAT di PT Mega Global Food Industry, Driyorejo, Driyorejo, Kab. Gresik, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
- Karir di Asisten Gudang di Xinyi Solar Indonesia, Manyar Sidorukun, Manyar, Kab. Gresik, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
- Karir di Penerjemah Teknis di Xinyi Solar Indonesia, Manyar Sidorukun, Manyar, Kab. Gresik, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
has description
Company Name : CSEA
Company Industry :
Company ID : 1130665
Company Type : Public
Company Profile URL : /jobs/csea-schenectady-new-york-12308-1130665-cd
Company Country : United States
Company City : Albany / Albany
State : New York
Zip : 12224
Company Confidential :
Company Size :
Client ID : dailygazette
Latitude : 42.65159
Longitude : -73.75511
Location : Albany, New York 12224
Formatted City State :Albany, NY
Formatted City State Country : Albany, NY US
Normalized Country: US
Normalized State: NY
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from Lowongan Kerja Indonesia
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